Optical cavities have been established
as a powerful platform for
manipulating the spectroscopy and photophysics of molecules. Molecules
placed inside an optical cavity will interact with the cavity field,
even if the cavity is in the vacuum state with no photons. When the
coupling strength between matter excitations, either electronic or
vibrational, and a cavity photon mode surpasses all decay rates in
the system, hybrid light–matter excitations known as cavity
polaritons emerge. Originally studied in atomic systems, there has
been growing interest in studying polaritons in molecules. Numerous
studies, both experimental and theoretical, have demonstrated that
the formation of molecular polaritons can significantly alter the
optical, electronic, and chemical properties of molecules in a noninvasive
This Account focuses on novel studies that reveal how
optical cavities
can be employed to control electronic excitations, both valence and
core, in molecules and the spectroscopic signatures of molecular polaritons.
We first discuss the capacity of optical cavities to manipulate and
control the intrinsic conical intersection dynamics in polyatomic
molecules. Since conical intersections are responsible for a wide
range of photochemical and photophysical processes such as internal
conversion, photoisomerization, and singlet fission, this provides
a practical strategy to control molecular photodynamics. Two examples
are given for the internal conversion in pyrazine and singlet fission
in a pentacene dimer. We further show how X-ray cavities can be exploited
to control the core-level excitations of molecules. Core polaritons
can be created from inequivalent core orbitals by exchanging X-ray
cavity photons. The core polaritons can also alter the selection rules
in nonlinear spectroscopy.
Polaritonic states and dynamics can
be monitored by nonlinear spectroscopy.
Quantum light spectroscopy is a frontier in nonlinear spectroscopy
that exploits the quantum-mechanical properties of light, such as
entanglement and squeezing, to extract matter information inaccessible
by classical light. We discuss how quantum spectroscopic techniques
can be employed for probing polaritonic systems. In multimolecule
polaritonic systems, there exist two-polariton states that are dark
in the two-photon absorption spectrum due to destructive interference
between transition pathways. We show that a time–frequency
entangled photon pair can manipulate the interference between transition
pathways in the two-photon absorption signal and thus capture classically
dark two-polariton states. Finally, we discuss cooperative effects
among molecules in spectroscopy and possibly in chemistry. When many
molecules are involved in forming the polaritons, while the cooperative
effects clearly manifest in the dependence of the Rabi splitting on
the number of molecules, whether they can show up in chemical reactivity,
which is intrinsically local, is an open question. We explore the
cooperative nature of the charge migration process in a cavity and...