The theory and implementation of quantitative gas phase absorption measurements based on cavity-ringdown spectroscopy with pulsed lasers is discussed. The response of ringdown cavities is modeled using an eigenmode description of the cavity fields, and expressions for a number of measurable quantities are given in terms of experimental parameters. Results for long and short ringdown cavities are presented and compared, and it is shown that absolute, high-resolution absorption line shapes can be obtained using a pulsed laser and a short cavity.Cavity-ringdown spectroscopy (CRDS) is a relatively new absorption spectroscopy that promises sensitive and accurate absorption measurements. The power of CRDS for trace gas monitoring and quantitative absorption measurements was recognized from the earliest measurements by O'Keefe and Deacon (1). Absorptivity measurements of <10" 9 cm* 1 have been reported (2), and the shot-noise detection limit is <10" 13 cm" 1 .A conventional implementation (3) of CRDS uses a pulsed laser to excite a linear cavity formed from two highly reflective, spherical mirrors. Usually the cavity design is not particularly special, (i.e. not confocal or otherwise degenerate), and the cavity is not length stabilized. In such an arrangement, a cavity can store the optical field for durations as long as 10" 4 s, during which time the intensity decays exponentially in time with a time constant called the ringdown time. This decay is measured at the exit of the cavity, the signal is digitized, and the ringdown time is extracted from the digitized signal. For a cavity filled with an absorbing gas under conditions when the Beer-Lambert law is valid, the ring-down time is extracted using the relationship, T(CO) = c>[(l -tf) + cc(G))0] ' (1)