Cell proliferation during morphogenesis of human colon from 8 to 18 weeks of gestation was investigated using radioautography. The sites of [3H]-thymidine uptake were localized in the epithelium, the mesenchyme, and the muscularis externa. As long as the epithelium was stratified, the proliferative pool was very large, and the highest labeling indices (up to 28%) were found during this period. With the formation of villi, the proliferative pool decreased and focused exclusively in the developing crypts by 14–15 weeks. Between 8 and 11 weeks, the labeling index was similar both in the epithelium and the mesenchyme. By 13 weeks of gestation, the small intestinal cell proliferation pattern (epithelium > mesenchyme > muscular layer) was established in the fetal colon. The biochemical quantitation of the [3H]-thymidine uptake into the total colonic DNA supported the decreasing cell proliferation pattern determined by radioautography. The present investigation establishes basic quantitative data regarding cell proliferation during a particular developmental phase of the human colon.