“…First, recall that if G is a finite group acting on a space S, then a fundamental domain of the action of π on S is a connected closed subset F of S such that S = g gF and gF ∩ g ′ F has empty interior for all g = g ′ ∈ G. The first important difference with respect to the case of the quaternion studied in [7] is that in the present case the fundamental domain can change when we change the representation. We start by observing that the image of the cyclic subgroup generated by x, π k,l ( x ) is independent on k and l, while the image of the subgroup generated by y, π k,l ( y ) is independent on k but depends on l. This means that the fundamental domain cannot change when we change the parameter k, but, in principle, depends on l. Thus, in order to determine the fundamental domain, we can fix k = 1 in the representation.…”