Cancer presumably arises from stem cells, preserved in an undifferentiated status since fetal development, or from a dedifferentiation of mature cells that return into a fetal phenotype with the potential for proliferation and renewal. Dedifferentiation in this context could represent a transient phase, passed through by cells, before they switch to redifferentiation, metaplasia or neoplasia. Cytokeratin-7 (CK7) is present in fetal, largely absent in normal adult, and transiently neoexpressed in metaplastic and neoplastic epithelial cells of the stomach according to previous observations. CK7 neoexpression in the stomach could, hence, define a fetal-like, dedifferentiated, cellular phenotype during the development of metaplasia and neoplasia. To test this hypothesis, we investigated CK7 expressions in fetal stomachs, non-neoplastic control stomachs, and neoplastic stomachs exhibiting metaplasia, intraepithelial neoplasia, and early cancer. Proliferation and beta-catenin expression of CK7-positive cells were also evaluated. The chronology of CK7 expression was studied during the experimental gastritis-cancer sequence in Mongolian gerbils. Our results show that metaplastic and neoplastic changes in the gastritis-cancer sequence are related to dedifferentiated epithelial cells which are defined by CK7 expression and can phenotypically be linked to fetal cells at the start of gastric pit development. The dedifferentiated cells exhibit a low proliferation and beta-catenin accumulation, similar to stem cells. Thus, the "stem cell" and "dedifferentiation" hypotheses for cancer origin could complement one another, and dedifferentiation-redifferentiation processes might be decisive for carcinogenesis in the stomach.