A human gene (termed ISG-54K) that is induced from near undetectable levels to high transcriptional activity by a-and /3-interferons has been cloned. The genomic structure and nucleotide sequence of the coding region were determined and the RNA initiation site was identified. The 5' portion of the gene was fused with a heterologous gene lacking an active promoter in recombinant plasmid and adenoviral vectors. These fusion genes were used to assess the activity of the ISG-54K promoter in response to interferon. RNA was formed in HeLa cells from recombinant plasmids only in response to interferon. Furthermore, in human diploid fibroblasts, infection with the recombinant adenovirus vector resulted in a 50-fold increase in specific RNA in response to interferon, followed by a subsequent decrease, imitating the natural regulated transcriptional cycle of the endogenous gene.The establishment and regulation of many cell functions both during development and in adult life are mediated by either cell-cell or cell-matrix contacts or by peptide ligands binding to specific cell-surface receptors (1-3). Communication to the cell nucleus of signals initiated at the cell surface in all these cases could involve similar mechanisms. Changes in specific gene transcription in response to cell-surface receptor binding has been widely assumed to occur and has now been documented in several cases (4-8). Occupation of receptors is often accompanied by changes in the quantity of, or modification of, intracellular compounds referred to as "second messengers"-e.g., cyclic AMP concentration, calcium ion flux, or extent of specific protein phosphorylation (8). How specific nuclear responses are brought about by such a limited number of intracellular signals (if indeed they are) is not known. Interferons (IFNs) are a family of proteins that exert potent biological activities by binding to specific cellsurface receptors to induce antiviral, growth modulatory, and immunomodulatory conditions (9). Secondary to IFN binding, a newly synthesized, limited set of proteins appears in treated cells (10). At least some of the genes encoding these proteins are activated at the level of transcription by IFN binding (4,5) and a few hours later are deactivated by a process requiring protein synthesis (11
MATERIALS AND METHODSHeLa cells (clone S3) were obtained from American Type Culture Collection, and human fibroblasts (FS2) were a kind gift of E. Knight (DuPont). Recombinant human aA-IFN was generously supplied by S. Pestka (Roche Institute). Human genomic libraries in X-CH4A and X-EMBL4 were gifts from T. Maniatis (Harvard University) and N. Cowan (New York University), respectively. Libraries were screened by hybridization using conventional procedures (12), and positive clones were sequenced from sequential Exo III-generated deletion subclones (13,14).In vitro transcription reactions were performed as described by Dignam et al. (15). A modification of the SP6 quantitative nuclease protection assay (16) using RNase T2 was used to assess RNA e...