Migration, development, and condition ofTrichobilharzia ocel!ata (Trematoda: Schistosomatidae) in homologous challenge infections. Can. J. Zool. 53: 1803-181 1. Ducks previously infected with Trichohilhar& rrceZ1ara were challenged by exposum to conspecific cercariae. Comparisons were made among worms recowred from teased or squashed tissue or locared in sections, after first, second, or multiple challenges. Contrasting with 24 h clearance in initial infections. schisrosomuIa were retained in the skins of challenged birds, mainly in the stratum corneum, for up to 7 days. Pdrasites reached the lungs as early as day 1 in first and second c hallenges but more than 50% bf these were adhering to brc~nchial wall? in mucoid material. After thlrd challenpe. wormswere seen in the l u n a~n davs 3-7 b u~ 35-H3%of these were coated with lymphoid ce~s.-Schistosomula were found in ;fie liver5 of 16/19. 411 5 , and 2120 birds examined aner firql, second, and multiple challenges respectively, most being in sinusoids surrounded by lymphocytes. No worm\ assignxble to challenge infecl~ons were found in the hosts' inlestinal veins. Parasites which survived 7 days in challenge infections reached lengths of about 300 pm. shout I k 1 5 % of the normal value. Those from 16\19 birds retained cercarial features such as tegumental spines, eyespots, and head organs.