The activity and subcellular distribution of acid phosphatase were assayed during ethylene-induced ripening of whole fruit or thick slices of avocado (Persea americana Mill. var. Fuerte and Hass). The activity increased up to 30-fold during ripening in both the supernatant fraction and the Triton X-100 extract of the precipitate of a 30,000g centrifugation of tissue homogenates from whole fruit or slices ripening in moist air. Enzyme activity in the residual precipitate after Triton extraction remained constant. The development of acid phosphatase in thick slices ripened in moist air was similar to that in intact fruit, except that enzyme development and ripening were accelerated about 24 hours in the slices. The increase in enzvme activity that occurs in slices ripening in moist air was inhibited when tissue sections were infiltrated with solutions, by aspiration for 2 minutes or by soaking for 2 hours, anytime 22 hours or more after addition of ethylene. This inhibition was independent of the presence or absence of cycloheximide or sucrose (0.3-0.5M).However, the large decline in enzyme activity in the presence of cycloheximide, as compared with the controls, indicated that synthesis of acid phosphatase was occurring at all stages of ripening.Ripening of fleshy fruits is an irreversible process of senescence (1,6,8,(16)(17)(18) that is dependent on synthesis of both RNA and protein (2,8,15). Although there is no consistent correlation among different kinds of fruit between changes in the levels of total RNA and protein and the ripening process, there is ample evidence for an increase in activity of manv enzymes during ripening (12,14,19 (22 C), in a large desiccator, at high relative humidity, with an opening to allow for gas exchange. Alternatively, 12-mm thick, cross-sectional slices from the midregion of avocados were similarily treated with ethylene. After cutting, the slices were rinsed briefly in running tap water, blotted, and then stored in a humidity chamber until assayed.Enzyme Extraction. For assay of acid phosphatase, duplicate samples (500 mg fresh weight) of inner mesocarp tissue were taken daily from the midregion of different intact fruits. Most experiments, however, were conducted by aging thick (12 mm) slices and similarly taking daily tissue samples from the slices, after first removing about 2 mm from the outer surfaces. Tissue samples were homogenized in 10 ml of pH 5, 0.1 M acetate buffer containing 7% carbowax 4000, and were centrifuged at 2 C for 15 mmn at 15,000g. Carbowax was added to prevent inactivation of enzyme by tannins (20). The supernatant fraction was used directly as a source of soluble enzyme. The precipitate was washed once in 10 ml of grinding medium by centrifugation as above, and the supernatant fraction was discarded. The precipitate was resuspended with gentle stirring in 10 ml of grinding medium containing 1lcTriton X-100, and was centrifuged similarly; the supernatant fraction is referred to as the Triton extract. The residual precipitate was also retained ...