Glacial climate is marked by abrupt, millennial-scale climate changes known as Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles. The most pronounced stadial coolings, Heinrich events, are associated with massive iceberg discharges to the North Atlantic. These events have been linked to variations in the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. However, the factors that lead to abrupt transitions between strong and weak circulation regimes remain unclear. Here we show that, in a fully coupled atmosphere-ocean model, gradual changes in atmospheric CO 2 concentrations can trigger abrupt climate changes, associated with a regime of bi-stability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation under intermediate glacial conditions. We find that changes in atmospheric CO 2 concentrations alter the transport of atmospheric moisture across Central America, which modulates the freshwater budget of the North Atlantic and hence deep-water formation. In our simulations, a change in atmospheric CO 2 levels of about 15 ppmv-comparable to variations during Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles containing Heinrich events-is su cient to cause transitions between a weak stadial and a strong interstadial circulation mode. Because changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation are thought to alter atmospheric CO 2 levels, we infer that atmospheric CO 2 levels may serve as a negative feedback to transitions between strong and weak circulation modes.A brupt climate changes associated with Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events as recorded in Greenland ice cores are characterized by rapid warming from stadial to interstadial conditions. This is followed by a phase of gradual cooling before an abrupt return to cold stadial conditions 1,2 . A common explanation for these transitions involves changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) 3 , perhaps controlled by freshwater perturbation (for example, refs 4,5) and/or Northern Hemisphere ice sheet changes (for example, refs 6-8). To reproduce the abrupt transitions into and out of cold conditions across the North Atlantic (that is, AMOC weak or 'off' mode 3 ), a common trigger mechanism is related to the timing of North Atlantic freshwater perturbations 9,10 that is mainly motivated by unequivocal ice-rafting events during Heinrich Stadials (HS) 11 . However, recent studies suggest that the Heinrich ice-surging events are in fact triggered by sea subsurface warming associated with an AMOC slow-down 12,13 . Furthermore, the duration of ice-rafting events does not systematically coincide with the beginning and end of the pronounced cold conditions during Heinrich Stadials 14,15 . This evidence thus challenges the current understanding of glacial AMOC stability 5,8 , suggesting the existence of additional control factors that should be invoked to explain abrupt millennial-scale variability in climate records. In contrast to the north, the rapid climate transitions are characterized by interhemispheric anti-phased variability, with more gradual changes in southern high latitudes 16...