Retinopathy is a one of the major clinical manifestation of Hemoglobinopathy. It is acquired secondary to another retinal disorder. Retinopathy especially retinal occlusions are painless loss of monocular vision it's from a vascular disorder. Ocular stroke caused by embolism in a retinal artery, that may emboli travel to distal branches of the retinal artery, causing loss of other section in the visual field. The manifestations of Sickle cell disease ocular manifestations came due to vascular occlusion, which may exist in the conjunctiva, iris, retina, and choroid. Because the ocular changes produced by SCD could be shown in other diseases, it's important to except other occlusions' causes, which have included central retinal vein occlusion, Eales disease, and retinopathy secondary to other chronic disorders. Other ocular changes cause that includes polycythemia vera, familial exudative vitreoretinopathy, talc and cornstarch emboli, and uveitis. Diagnosis of hemoglobenopathies is performed exclusively through Hb electrophoresis. The treatments and their results vary from one condition to the other.