Arvedsen SK, Damgaard M, Norsk P. Body height and blood pressure regulation in humans during anti-orthostatic tilting. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 302: R984 -R989, 2012. First published February 15, 2012 doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00036.2011.-The hypothesis was tested that the cardiovascular changes during an upper body anti-orthostatic maneuver in humans are more pronounced in tall than in short individuals, because of the larger intravascular hydrostatic pressure gradients. In 34 males and 41 females [20 -30 yr, body height (BH) ϭ 147-206 cm], inter-individual multiple linear regression analyses adjusted for gender and body weight were conducted between changes in cardiovascular variables versus BH during tilting of the upper body from vertical to horizontal while keeping the legs horizontal. In all the subjects, tilting induced increases in stroke volume and arterial pulse pressure and a decrease in heart rate, which each correlated significantly with BH. In males (n ϭ 51, BH ϭ 163-206 cm), 24-h ambulatory mean arterial pressure increased significantly with BH (P ϭ 0.004, r ϭ 0.40, ␣ ϭ 0.15 mmHg/cm) so that systolic/diastolic blood pressure increased by 2/2 mmHg per 15 cm increase in BH. There was no significant correlation between mean arterial pressure and BH in females (n ϭ 53, BH ϭ 147-193 cm). In conclusion, a larger BH induces larger cardiovascular changes during anti-orthostatic tilting, and in males 24-h ambulatory mean arterial pressure increases with BH. The lack of a mean arterial pressure to BH correlation in females is probably because of their lower BH and greater variability in blood pressure. cardiovascular system; hydrostatic pressure; gravity; orthostasis WHEN HUMANS CHANGE POSITION from supine to upright, blood is redistributed from the upper to the lower body. This results in a reduction in blood pressure (BP) in the upper body and an increase in the lower body. To ensure an adequate venous return and appropriate blood flow to the brain, baroreflexes originating from the carotid sinus, aorta, and atria of the heart induce contraction of the arterial resistance vessels and an increase in heart rate (HR) and cardiac contractility (1, 27). During anti-orthostatic maneuvers from upright to supine, the opposite changes occur.Because hydrostatic pressure gradients in upright individuals impede venous return to the heart and inhibit the carotid baroreceptors, it is possible that body height (BH) is a determinant of BP at heart level. That this might be the case is indicated by the giraffe, which exhibits the highest BP than any other creature (2, 10, 11). It is possible that to ensure an adequate perfusion of the brain in the giraffe, the high BP at heart level of more than 200 mmHg is required to overcome the high hydrostatic pressure gradient from head to heart. Therefore, it is possible that also in humans, however, much weaker BH and thereby the distance from the heart to the brain is one of the determinants of BP at heart level.It is known that BP during childhood is correlated to BH a...