In non-rodent mammalian species, including humans, the oocyte and sperm both contribute centrosomal components that are most important for successful fertilization. Centrosome pathologies in sperm and the oocyte can be causes for infertility which may be overcome by assisted reproductive technologies based on proper diagnosis of specific centrosomal pathologies. However, we do not yet fully understand the cell and molecular mechanisms underlying centrosome functions in germ cells and in the developing embryo, which calls for directed specific investigations to identify centrosome-related pathologies that include components in sperm, egg, or centrosome regulation within the fertilized oocyte. The present review highlights cellular and molecular aspects of centrosomes and centrosome-nuclear interactions focused on nuclear mitotic apparatus protein during fertilization and proposes future directions in expanding therapeutic approaches related to centrosome pathologies that may play a role in still unexplained causes of infertility.