Venous and arterial thromboembolism are both serious extraintestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Acquired risk factors seem to play a more prominent role than congenital in promoting thrombotic events. Prevention of thromboembolism is thus mainly aimed at minimizing the acquired/reversible risk factors (e.g., inflammation, immobility, hospitalization, steroid therapy, central intravenous catheters, smoking, oral contraceptives, and deficiency of B vitamins and folate). The diagnosis of venous and arterial thromboembolism is extremely challenging and requires a high degree of vigilance. Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism may be clinically silent or manifest with only few specific symptoms. Thrombosis of the portal vein system may occur with nonspecific symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, abdominal tenderness, ascites, and fever. The diagnosis of arterial thromboembolism may also be challenging, particularly when the splanchnic region is involved. Indeed, arterial thrombosis of the splanchnic region tends to be overlooked and misinterpreted as a clinical exacerbation of IBD. Early diagnosis plays a central role in optimizing the therapeutic intervention and reducing the risk of short-term and long-term thrombosis-associated complications. The decision regarding the duration of systemic anticoagulation must take into account the individual risk of intestinal bleeding.