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Preface to "Design of Micro-and Nanoparticles: Self-Assembly and Application"Micro-/nanoparticles (M&NPs) have attracted researchers'interest due to their unique chemical and physical properties. Recent advances in the synthesis of M&NPs (metallic, metal oxide, silica, polymeric, lipid-based, supramolecular, colloidal, and carbon-based M&NPs) have offered exciting opportunities for many applications, such as catalysis, plasmonics, sensors, magnetism, drug delivery, and nanomedicine. The use of self-assembly for the synthesis or modification of M&NPs provides unlimited possibilities for designing nanomaterials with desired properties. This reprint presents the most recent developments in the synthesis, modification, properties, and applications of M&NPs. This book will be useful to scientists of diverse backgrounds, i.e., material science, organic and inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, and biology.