The data presented support the hypothesis that 16S, 23S, and 5S ribosomal RNAs of Escherichia coli are transcribed in vivo from transcriptional units consisting of single cistrons for these species arranged in the order 16S-23S-5S, with transcription beginning at the 16S end.In eukaryotic cells, linked 18S, 28S, and 7S ribosomal RNA cistrons are transcribed as a unit into a single polynucleotide "precursor" (45S rRNA), which is ultimately cleaved to produce one molecule of each of the three rRNA species (1, 2). The three linked cistrons together comprise a single "transcriptional unit", which we define here as a segment of DNA bounded by a single site for RNA polymerase attachment (promoter) and a single site for polymerase release (terminator). Many such rRNA transcriptional units are confined to a restricted region of the eukaryotic chromosome; adjacent units may be separated by a segment of (nonribosomal) "spacer" DNA (1).The genetic organization of the cistrons for bacterial rRNA species (16S, 23S, and 5S rRNA) is similar to that of eukaryotes in that: (a) the number of gene copies (per genome) for each RNA species is the same (3, 4), (b) these cistrons are confined to one (5) or possibly two (6, 7) small regions of the genome, (c) 16S, 23S, and 5S rRNA cistrons are tightly linked (8, 9), and (d) adjacent 16S, 23S, and 5S gene clusters are separated from each other by segments of spacer DNA (10).Data presented here support the hypothesis that the linked 16S, 23S, and 5S rRNA cistrons in Escherichia coli comprise single transcriptional units arranged in the order 16S-23S-5S, with transcription initiating at the 16S end. The fact that no "precursor" comparable to eukaryotic 45S rRNA has yet been found in bacteria may imply that cleavage into 16S and 23S (and possibly 5S) moieties occurs before transcription of the unit is complete.
MATERIALS AND METHODSFor the preparation of intact 3H-labeled RNA from rifampicininhibited cells, a culture of the rifampicin-sensitive, E. coli B strain AS19 (11) Corp.), was chased by the addition of excess unlabeled orthophosphate, and after 30 min of further growth at 200C, was chilled to 00C in ice. Rifampicin (Pittman-Moore) was added to 200 Ag/ml at 2 min and [5-3H]uridine (New England Nuclear Corp.) was added to 0.04 mCi/ml (10 ;&g/ml) at 4 min after chilling. At 6 min the culture was warmed to 20'C and incubation was continued for an additional 40 min. Cultures were harvested by centrifugation and RNA was extracted and resolved on 2.8% polyacrylamide gels (13,14).For the preparation of RNA for oligonucleotide mapping,