E-learning has been revealed as an a useful tool among continuing education within health professionals, namely for radiographers or radiologic technologists. Therefore like traditional learning, this teaching approach needs continuous evaluation in order to validate its effectiveness and impact. Kirkpatrick's model has been widely used for this purpose by health information management instructors. Our aim was to assess an Elearning Course on Breast Imaging for radiographers based on the first three levels of Kirkpatrick's framework: reaction, learning and behaviour. Methods and materials: An E-learning course was developed for radiographers in order to provide an easy-tounderstand, succinct and current overview in breast imaging, namely mammography technique and image interpretation. The program structure were built based on the guidelines proposed by the European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA). Learner's satisfaction was assessed through a questionnaire and Knowledge gain was assessed using pre-and post-testing. After 6 months of complying the course, the learners were contacted through a questionnaire in order to give feedback on whether their behaviour changed in workplace. Results: Two editions of the breast imaging course were performed by 64 learners. In general, 97% of the learners stated that the program content was very good and excellent, all learners considered the content was delivered in a very good or excellent way. High percentages of learners stated to be satisfied with the distribution of the content among each module (94%) and 86% of learners stated that your level of dedication was high or very high. Concerning improvement of knowledge, we found an evolution of 4 percentual points between pre and post-tests (p = 0,001). The learners have identified two main changes on their practice, the first one related with patient care, improving communications and positioning skills and the second one related with image interpretation, improving the image processing and analyses. Conclusion: These global results show that e-learning can provide statistically relevant knowledge gains in Radiographers. This course is an important contribution to the improvement of mammography education, impacting on the development of students' and radiographers' skills.