Abstract-With the growing popularity of hand-held batterypowered devices, leakage power is a major concern in the nanometer CMOS era. Power gating technique is an effective and widely adopted solution to this problem. The challenge of implementing power gating is the sizing and placement of the sleep transistors that are used to gate the power supply. In a placed design, due to non-uniform current demand of logic cells, some regions of the chip can have sleep transistors with very high current demand, causing power grid noise violations. Identifying these regions early in the design cycle is critical to the success of power gating implementation. This paper presents a novel methodology to calculate the current demand of each sleep transistor and locate regions in the chip where multiple sleep transistors experience very high current demand. In this paper, we model the spatial locality of the current drawn by each logic cells in the form of a bounding box. We explore techniques to identify the appropriate size of the bounding boxes. Furthermore, we extend the current distribution technique to handle placement blockages that do not share the sleep transistor network of the chip. Experimental results on industrial circuits show that the proposed algorithm can identify over 90% of such regions with a 20x run-time reduction compared to state-of-the-art commercial CAD tool.