Abdus Salam and his co-workers proposed the concept of strong gravity in the 1960s, as an alternative to the young QCD, so that to solve the puzzles concerning to confinement and asymptotic freedom, not requiring, as occurs in QCD, to abandon the behavior of a force acting from the inverse-square law. At that time asymptotic freedom in QED was observed by some theorists, and by Gerard't Hooft in 1972, whose physical significance however was realized only one year later by David Gross, Frank Wilczek and David Politzer. They "rehabilitated" the Quantum Field Theory, because prior to their discovery it was under suspicion, since Coulomb interactions become infinitely strong at very short distances. But this approach has not so far led to a Grand Unified Theory. Then we are forced to think whether the "rehabilitation" is possible by other alternative, rather than by asymptotic freedom, because there are so many unacceptable puzzles in nuclear physics, that they oblige us to conclude that some of the fundamental principles of the nuclear theory are wrong. Therefore, if some principles of the nuclear theory are wrong, it is possible that the "rehabilitation" must be sought in the atomic nucleus, as proposed herein.