Aim. To determine the levels of psychosocial factors (PSF) of the cardiovascular risk (CVR) in young men and women in gender dimension (on the model of Tyumen). Material and methods. An epidemiological cross-sectional study was conducted on a representative sample of the Tyumen population among men (n=1000, response 85,0%) and women (n=1000, response 70,3%) of 25-64 years old; 25,0% in each life decade. Data were obtained from young people aged 25-34 and 35-44 years old compared with a standardized age value (25-64 years). The PSF examination was carried out according to the algorithms of the WHO MONICA-Psychosocial Program.Results. Among young open urban population, the prevalence of moderate levels of depression and life exhaustion, a high level of hostility, moderate level of personal anxiety in men and a high level of personal anxiety in women was observed. In men of 25-34 years, compared with the general population values, the highest prevalence of the personal anxiety moderate level and hostility high level was revealed. There were high personal anxiety, depression and hostility levels among young women. In the gender dimension, young women were characterized by a significantly higher prevalence of high levels of CVR PSF: personal anxiety, depression, hostility, life exhaustion, moderate levels of life exhaustion, men -moderate levels of personal anxiety and hostility.
Conclusion.The data obtained should be useful for formation of preventive cardiology programs on the basis of PSF assessing, starting from a young age.