MSC: 65D07 65D17Keywords: Said-Ball basis Bernstein basis Quasi Extended Chebyshev space B-spline curve Shape parameter Totally positive property a b s t r a c t Four new αβ-Bernstein-like basis functions with two exponential shape parameters, are constructed in this paper, which include the cubic Said-Ball basis functions and the cubic Bernstein basis functions. Within the general framework of Quasi Extended Chebyshev space, we prove that the proposed αβ-Bernstein-like basis is an optimal normalized totally positive basis. In order to compute the corresponding αβ-Bézier-like curves stably and efficiently, a new corner cutting algorithm is developed. Necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for the planar αβ-Bézier-like curve having single or double inflection points, a loop or a cusp, or be locally or globally convex in terms of the relative position of its control polygons' side vectors. Based on the new proposed αβ-Bernstein-like basis, a class of αβ-B-spline-like basis functions with two local exponential shape parameters is constructed. Their totally positive property is also proved. The associated αβ-B-splinelike curves have C 2 continuity at single knots and include the cubic non-uniform B-spline curves as a special case, and can be C 2 ∩ FC k+3 (k ∈ Z + ) continuous for particular choice of shape parameters. The exponential shape parameters serve as tension shape parameters and play a predictable adjusting role on generating curves.