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ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 Words)To characterize neuropathological consequences of excess acetylcholinesterase (AChE), we employed transgenic mice developed under previous US Army support. These mice demonstrated association between such excess and adverse responses (in brain and intestine) to pyridostigmine and diisopropylfluorophosphonate. The stress-associated "readthrough" AChE-R variant was seen also in progenitor blood cells, suggesting its use as a surrogate marker for anti-AChE responses. Moreover, AChE-R accumulates in the brain following head injury, its pre-injury excess exacerbates damage, and its antisense suppression improves survival and recovery. Using a 2-hybrid yeast screen we discovered a previously unknown interaction of AChE-R with RACK1, a protein kinase cargo protein involved in signaling processes. Animals carrying a tetracycline-inducible anti-AChE antisense sequence are being characterized for further studies of these interactions. At the extended promoter of the ACHE gene, we found a 4 bp deletion that over-induces transcription and hypersensitivity to pyridostigmine through impairment of HNF3B interaction, and discovered a novel mutation that disrupts the glucocorticoid binding site. Finally, we found AChE-R-specific inhibitor interactions in mouse brain that reflect the specific increase in the AChE-R variant after psychological stress. ( The AChE-R variant thus emerges as the key scavenger and acetylcholine-hydrolyzing agent in several mammalian tissues under various stress insults. Table of contents 3 Introduction 4 Body task 1: characterize the sensory, cognitive and neuromotor consequences of a 5 transgenic excess in AChE variants. task 2: employ transgenic mouse models with up to 300-fold differences in 10 peripheral AChE levels for demonstration of direct correlation between AChE dosage and protection from stress and chemical warfare agents and to test their responses to pyridostigmine administration. task 3: develop RT-PCR tests in peripheral blood cells of model animals, and 12 additional surrogate markers, for follow-up of responses and protection task 5: emplo...