SUMMARY1. Simultaneous studies on the secretary response of amylase and the neurotransmitter receptors ofrat parotid gland, after brieftreatment with agonists, showed selective alteration in /1-adrenoceptors with specific change in amylase secretion, suggesting a regulatory role of the receptors in the secretary response.2. The fl-adrenergic agonist (± )-isoprenaline (IPR) stimulated amylase secretion from rat parotid tissues much more than did the same concentration ofan a-adrenergic or cholinergic agonist.3. The stimulatory effects of JPR were studied by pre-treating rat parotid tissues with IPR for 10 min and then incubating the tissue in fresh medium for 10 min.Pre-treatment with 10 ,pM-IPR for 10 min resulted in increased amylase secretion during further incubation with IPR and also in a lower EC60 value of amylase secretion for IPR.4. This treatment also resulted in selective changes in the number and affinity of 8. The alteration in fl-adrenoceptors was parallel with a change in amylase secretion after IPR pre-treatment, but not with a change in cyclic AMP content.