The use of herbicides is a necessity of modern agricultural production. Adaptogenic compounds, such as humic substances, will help minimize the harm from their use. There are few studies on the combined use of herbicides and humates, so the purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the combined use of humic fertilizer and herbicides in spring soft wheat crops and their effect on grain yield and quality indicators. The research was carried out in 2018-2020 in the Beregovoy agricultural production cooperative in the Kemerovo region of Russia. Variants of the experiment: 1. Treatment with Magnum Super herbicide, 10 g/ha + humic fertilizer “Healthy Harvest”, 1 l/ha. 2. Gorgon herbicide treatment, 0.17 l/ha + Healthy harvest, 1 l/ha. 3. Plugger herbicide treatment, 15 g/ha + Healthy crop, 1 l/ha. The high efficiency of treatment with the Plugger preparation together with the humic fertilizer “Healthy Harvest” was established. Two other drugs, Magnum Super and Gorgon, effectively reduced the infection of wheat crops with bedstraw, beautiful pikulnik, white goosefoot, Tatar buckwheat. Yield increase ranged from 1.8 t/ha (Magnum Super) to 2.9 t/ha (Plugger). Herbicides and humic fertilizer did not affect the content of raw gluten and increased grain vitreousness by 1-2%. Thus, the study proved the effectiveness of the combined use of herbicides and humic compounds on wheat crops.
How to Cite: E. P. Kondratenko, O. M. Soboleva, N. V. Verbitskaya, L. A. Filipovich, 2022. "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Combined Use of Humic Fertilizer and Herbicides in Spring Wheat Crops." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, vol. 9, pp. 130-136.