1. Haematological values and iron content in liver, spleen, kidneys and intestine were determined in Shaver chickens of both sexes at 4, 8, 13 and 18 weeks and in females at 24 weeks (the beginning of the laying period). 2. The haematocrit decreased significantly in laying compared with non-laying females and the haemoglobin concentration was similar to that in the prelaying state. Plasma iron in laying females increased to four times the basal value at 13 weeks. 3. Females of 13 and 18 weeks (prelaying state) stored more iron than males at the same age. A simultaneous liver and spleen mobilisation of stored iron and increased intestinal iron accumulation took place in the laying process. The haematological variables examined were minimally altered. 4. The iron contents of both heart and kidneys were influenced by age and followed a linear trend, except that in the heart of females where a quadratic response was observed.