minutum compared to control oysters. At the same time, many oysters exposed to the harmful microalgae presented a strong inflammatory response in different tissues of the digestive gland: in intestine as well as in digestive ducts and tubules. Spermatozoa in oysters exposed to A. minutum were morphologically and functionally modified compared to spermatozoa of control oysters. Indeed, spermatozoa were less motile and had lower ATP content in oysters exposed to A. minutum. Meanwhile, spermatozoa produced by control oysters showed higher 2 percentage of mortality and relative DNA content than those produced by A. minutum exposed oysters. Finally, the characteristics of the mitochondria of spermatozoa also appeared to be modified upon A. minutum exposure. The results of this study suggests that an exposure of oysters to A. minutum, reducing energy status and motility of spermatozoa associated to morphological changes at the cellular and sub-cellular levels, can have consequences on spermatozoa fertility and reproduction success.