Currently, the cause of uveopathies is unknown, there is no radical treatment. The final of these diseases is blindness from glaucoma. The author developed a hypothesis of the etiopathogenesis of uveopathies, according to which the trigger of these diseases is the weakness of accommodation caused by the genetically determined excessively small distance between the ciliary body and the equator of the lens. The following approaches to solving the problem of uveopathies are proposed: a). formation of laser mydriasis (at the initial stages of the process); b). surgical expansion of the ring of the ciliary body - the formation of supraciliary non-penetrating sclerectomies (imitation of anterior staphyloma of the sclera in neglected myopia and glaucoma); in). phacoemulsification of the lens with IOL implantation (optimal final refraction of the artificial eye - simple myopic direct type astigmatism up to 1.5 diopters). It is assumed that these operations will affect the trigger of uveopathy - a genetically determined weakness of accommodation, Uveopathies (Fuchs' syndrome, essential mesodermal progressive dystrophy of the iris, glaucoma-cyclitic crisis) are not fully understood diseases.