Obtaining large, flat, well ordered crystals represents the key to structure determination by electron crystallography. Multilamellar crystals of Ca(2+)-ATPase are a good candidate for this methodology, and we have optimized methods of crystallization and of preparation for cryoelectron microscopy. In particular, high concentrations of glycerol were found to prevent nucleation and to reduce stacking; thus, by seeding solutions containing 40% glycerol, we obtained thin crystals that were 5-30 microns in diameter and 2-10 unit cells thick. We found that removing vesicles and minimizing concentrations of divalent cations were critical to preparing flat crystals in the frozen-hydrated state. Finally, we developed two methods for determining the number of lamellae composing individual crystals, information that is required for structure determination of this crystal form. The first method, using low magnification images of freeze-dried crystals, is more practical in our case. Nevertheless, the alternative method, involving analysis of Laue zones from electron diffraction patterns of slightly tilted crystals, may be of general use in structure determination from thin, three-dimensional crystals.