TSH is expressed in two populations of thyrotropes in the pituitary: one in the pars distalis and a second in the pars tuberalis. Pars distalis thyrotropes exhibit classical endocrine inhibition of TSH by thyroid hormone, whereas pars tuberalis thyrotropes do not. The majority of our understanding of TSH subunit gene regulation has come from studies conducted in dispersed pituitary, dispersed thyrotropic tumors, or the GH 3 somatolactotrope cell line. However, the dispersed pituitary model is limited because of its inherent heterogeneity, thyrotropic tumors are difficult to grow and maintain, and the GH 3 cells lack endogenous TSH expression. The recent derivation of a clonal thyrotrope cell line, T␣T1, that expresses thyrotrope-specific markers, overcomes these limitations. However, because it was not possible to distinguish whether the tumor from which the T␣T1 cells are derived originated in the pars distalis or the pars tuberalis, it was necessary to define their cellular origin and thereby establish their status as representative thyrotrope cells for future molecular studies. In this study, we demonstrate that the T␣T1 cells express thyroid hormone receptors (1 and 2) and their heterodimeric partner, retinoid X receptor-␥. Treatment with T 3 causes a dose-and time-dependent decrease in the expression of the TSH -subunit messenger RNA. In contrast to previous reports in rat pituitary cultures, T 3 does not alter TSH -subunit messenger RNA stability in the T␣T1 cells. Based on these data and the presence of thyrotrope-specific isoforms of the transcription factor Pit-1, we conclude that the T␣T1 cells represent differentiated thyrotropes of the pars distalis and will be a useful model system for future analysis of the cis-and trans-acting factors necessary for thyrotrope-specific and thyroid hormone-regulated TSH gene expression. (Endocrinology 139: 4476 -4482, 1998) T SH OCCUPIES a centralized position in the hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid axis and is responsible for maintaining appropriate thyroid hormone levels in the circulation. It indirectly plays a crucial role in maintaining vital metabolic functions and is a necessary component in clinical treatment regimens for diseases such as thyroid cancer and thyroid dysfunction. It is therefore important to delineate the underlying mechanisms that control expression of TSH in the thyrotrope cells of the anterior pituitary.TSH is a member of the glycoprotein hormone family and consists of two subunits, ␣ and , that are encoded by distinct genes on different chromosomes (1). The ␣-subunit is shared by all members of the glycoprotein hormone family, including LH, FSH, and CG, in addition to TSH. The ␣-subunit gene is, therefore, expressed in three discrete cell types: the thyrotrope and gonadotrope cells of the anterior pituitary and the trophoblast cells of the placenta. In contrast, expression of the -subunit of TSH is restricted to the thyrotrope cells. The cell type specificity exhibited by the -subunit of TSH as well as the -subunits of the ...