The chemical and physicochemical changes during the tropical pineapple juice processing were evaluated. It was verified that all the chemical and physicochemical parameters evaluated showed a statistical difference at a level of 5% of probability by the Tukey test, exception for carotenoid content. Total titratable acidity, reducing sugar and carotenoid content increased during the processing. The pH, total soluble solids (Brix), total sugars and anthocyanins content did not differed statistically among formulation/homogenation and after thermal treatment phases. The results suggested that processing phases such as extraction, formulation/homogenation and thermal treatment had a significant effect on the chemical and physicochemical characteristics of the tropical pineapple juice.
Keywords: Pineapple juice, hot fill processing, industrial processing
RESUMOAlterações químicas e físico-químicas durante o processamento de suco tropical de abacaxi foram avaliadas. Verificou-se que todos os parâmetros químicos e físico-químicos avaliados apresentaram conteúdo de carotenóides. Acidez total titulável, açúcar redutor e conteúdo de carotenóide aumentaram durante o processamento. O pH, sólidos solúveis totais ( o Brix), açúcares totais e conteúdo de antocianinas não apresentaram diferença estatística entre as fases de tratamento formulação/homogeneização e tratamento térmico. Os resultados sugerem que as fases do processamento como