The aim of this study was to investigate organophosphorus pesticides (OPs) concentrations in rice grains and estimate potential health risk to inhabitants. A total of 102 rice samples were collected from Irrigated Area of Songhua River, where located in Jilin province, one of the most important rice production areas and a key agricultural area in China. The twelve OPs were determined by gas chromatography coupled with flame photometric detector (GC-FPD). Results showed that OPs concentrations in rice grains were not exceed maximum residues limit (MRL).The mean concentrations obtained for detected twelve OPs in µg kg -1 were as follows: omethoate (0.60), diazinon (0.56), parathion-methyl (0.54), dimethoate (0.38), isocarbophos (0.38), phorate (0.31), fenitrothion (0.24), parathion (0.23), fenthion (0.23), malathion (0.13), dichlorvos (0.13) and methamidophos (0.08). Diazinon (39.2%), omethoate (31.4%) and parathion-methyl (25.5%) had the highest frequency in the detected twelve OPs. 69.6% samples contained more than one OP, while 24.5% samples detected one OP and only 5.9% samples didn't find any OPs. The average target hazard quotients (ave THQ) were all less than one and average hazard index (ave HI) for adults and children were 0.273 and 0.238, respectively. Overall, results indicated that the intake of rice may be safe for consumers