Background: Effective communication between health care professionals and Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D&HH) patients remains a challenge. Literature regarding health professionals’ knowledge of the D&HH community and their barriers towards health care access is limited in Puerto Rico and suggests a need for research. Therefore, this descriptive study aims to evaluate future physician’s knowledge about the Deaf culture and community in a student cohort at San Juan Bautista School of Medicine (SJBSM).Methods: A survey utilized in a previous study by Hoang et al. was targeted to 230 medical students to evaluate their knowledge of (D&HH) patients. The survey consisted of three parts testing awareness, exposure, and knowledge of the Deaf community. Responses from the Knowledge section were graded using an answer key, and correct answers were added to create an overall continuous sum score per participant, with higher scores meaning higher knowledge. Participants also were asked to write in possible issues deaf patients may face when hospitalized, excluding communication problems. All data were recorded and used for descriptive analysis.Results: 158 (68%) medical students participated. 63% reported exposure to D&HH people, and 80% were aware of the Deaf culture. 21% of students answered to have attended an American Sign Language (ASL) class, and 86% expressed interest in taking an ASL class. The overall percentage of correct answers of all the medical classes evaluated was 39%, with increasing percent knowledge as medical student year increased. The most frequently listed problem by respondents that deaf patients may face when hospitalized was dealing with an emergency in the hospital, such as the fire alarm.Conclusion: Students from clinical years (MSIII & MSIV) showed a better understanding of the Deaf culture when compared to students in pre-clinical years (MSI & MSII). Nevertheless, knowledge was limited in all groups. The information generated is not only valuable for our school but the health-care community as well. The literature related to Deaf culture, particularly in the medical setting in Puerto Rico, is limited. Therefore, there exists a need to continue investigating ways to improve medical students’ education of the Deaf culture and community.