We evaluate correlations between stream geomorphic complexity and characteristics of the adjacent riparian forest, valley geometry, and land use history in forested subalpine streams of the Colorado Front Range. Measures of geomorphic complexity focus on cross-sectional, planform, and instream wood piece and logjam variables. We categorize adjacent riparian forests as old-growth unmanaged forest (OU), younger unmanaged forest (YU), and younger managed forest (YM), and valley geometry as laterally confined, partly confined, or unconfined. Significant differences in geomorphic stream complexity between OU, YU, and YM result primarily from differences in wood pieces and logjams, and these differences correlate strongly with pool volume and organic matter storage. Significant differences in planform and crosssectional complexity correlate more strongly with valley geometry, but do not explain as much of the observed variability in complexity between streams as do the wood variables. Unconfined OU streams have the largest wood loads and the greatest complexity, whereas legacy effects of logging, tie-drives, and channel simplification create lower complexity in YM streams, even relative to YU streams flowing through similarly aged forest. We find that management history of riparian forests exerts the strongest control on reduced functional stream channel complexity, regardless of riparian forest stand age.
PUBLICATIONSbut this relationship has been difficult to demonstrate in the field [Palmer et al., 2010]. Although previous studies have related geomorphic complexity of floodplain and instream units to riparian plant species in natural watersheds [Harris, 1988] and watersheds disturbed by human activity [Hupp and Rinaldi, 2007;Gumiero et al., 2015], they do not evaluate such complexity in relation to variations in valley geometry and forest disturbance history. In this paper, we evaluate correlations between different measures of geomorphic complexity in small mountain streams of the Colorado Front Range and characteristics of the adjacent riparian forest, valley geometry, and land use history.Exchanges of water, sediment, and organic matter within and between terrestrial and stream environments influence physical and biological stream dynamics, as well as ecological food webs [Baxter et al., 2005], in turn influencing geomorphic complexity. In this context, riparian forest stand age can exert a particularly important indirect influence on channel complexity by serving as a control on the recruitment of large wood (10 cm diameter and 1 m length) to channels. Trees in old-growth forests (200 years stand age) are larger in diameter and thus greater in volume than trees in younger growth forests. Trees with greater diameter are less likely to be transported downstream in small streams due to the relative dimensions of wood pieces and channels [Braudrick et al.are thus retained close to where they fall in the stream [Lienkaemper and Swanson, 1986;Wohl and Jaeger, 2009] and have greater potential to trap mobile wood and fo...