The distributed hypothesis testing problem with full side-information is studied. The trade-off (reliability function) between the two types of error exponents under limited rate is studied in the following way. First, the problem is reduced to the problem of determining the reliability function of channel codes designed for detection (in analogy to a similar result which connects the reliability function of distributed lossless compression and ordinary channel codes). Second, a single-letter random-coding bound based on a hierarchical ensemble, as well as a single-letter expurgated bound, are derived for the reliability of channel-detection codes. Both bounds are derived for a system which employs the optimal detection rule. We conjecture that the resulting random-coding bound is ensemble-tight, and consequently optimal within the class of quantization-and-binning schemes.
Index TermsBinning, channel-detection codes, distributed hypothesis testing, error exponents, expurgated bounds, hierarchical ensembles, multiterminal data compression, random coding, side information, statistical inference, superposition codes. 2 results from [4], [5] to fully characterize Stein's exponent in the testing against independence case (i.e., when the null hypothesis states that (X, Y ) ∼ P XY , whereas the alternative hypothesis states that (X, Y ) ∼ P X × P Y ).Further, they have used quantization-based encoding to derive an achievable Stein's exponent for a general pair of memoryless hypotheses [2, Th. 5], but without a converse bound. Consecutive progress on this problem, as well as on the symmetric case (in which the Y -observations must also be compressed) is summarized in [27, Sec. IV], with notable contributions from [26], [28], [49]. The the zero-rate case was also considered, for which [26], [28], [48] and [27, Th. 5.5] derived matching achievable and converse bounds under various kind of assumptions on the distributions induced each of the hypotheses. In the last decade, a renewed interest in the problem arose, aimed both at tackling more elaborate models, as well as at improving the results on the basic model. As for the former, notable examples include the following. Stein's exponents under positive rates were explored in successive refinement models [56], for multiple encoders [43], for interactive models [31], [67], under privacy constraints [38], combined with lossy compression [33], over noisy channels [54], [58], for multiple decision centers [46], as well as over multi-hop networks [47]. Exponents for the zero-rate problem were studied under restricted detector structure [41] and for multiple encoders [68]. The finite blocklength and second-order regimes were addressed in [61].Notwithstanding the foregoing progress, the encoding approach proposed in [49] is still the best known in general for the basic model we study in this paper. It is based on quantization and binning, just as used, e.g., for distributed lossy compression (the Wyner-Ziv problem [22, Ch. 11] [66]). First, the encoding rate is reduced by quanti...