Abstract-Capacity limits and throughput results are evaluated for slow frequency-hop transmission over channels in which the bandwidth of the partial-band noise may vary but the total power in the noise is constant. The system employs orthogonal modulation, noncoherent demodulation, and error-control coding with iterative decoding. We find that the capacity limits for the system and the performance results for turbo product codes and low-density parity-check codes show that the throughput can be a nonmonotonic function of the bandwidth of the partial-band noise. We discuss how such nonmonotonicity affects the design of adaptive-rate coding systems.
I. SUMMARYFrequency-hop spread spectrum is a communications technique that is effective against channel disturbances such as narrowband interference, hostile jamming, frequency-selective fading, frequency-hop multiple-access interference, and other types of partial-band interference. We consider slow frequencyhop communications in which each packet is divided into multiple segments and one segment is transmitted per hop. If there is more than one modulation symbol per dwell interval, the system may experience block interference. That is, if a dwell interval is in a frequency slot with strong interference, then all the symbols of the dwell interval are corrupted. The benefits of error-control coding in this type of frequency-hop system are discussed in [1]. The combination of error-control coding, interleaving, and soft-decision iterative decoding is particularly effective in mitigating the effects of partial-band interference.Expressions and numerical results for capacity limits of M-ary orthogonal modulation, noncoherent demodulation, and hard-decision decoding with multiple modulation symbols per dwell interval are given in [2]. The capacity of general channels with block memory is considered in [3] and [4]. We consider systems that employ slow frequency hopping with orthogonal modulation, noncoherent demodulation, multiple modulation symbols per dwell interval, and error-control coding with softdecision decoding. We have evaluated numerical capacity limits for such systems. In addition, we have obtained the corresponding performance results for binary and nonbinary modulation as well as binary and nonbinary error-control codes.Every frequency slot contains thermal noise, but only a fraction of the bandwidth experiences additional interference. This partial-band interference is modeled as having a fixed power regardless of the fraction ρ of the bandwidth it occupies. Thus, the interference density decreases as ρ increases.A useful performance measure of an error-control code is its probability of code word error as a function of ρ. From such results, the average throughput as a function of ρ can be computed. We have evaluated the throughput for binary turbo product codes and nonbinary LDPC codes. Using capacity bounds, we have also determined the throughput performance of capacity-achieving codes as a function of the fractional bandwidth.In our evaluations of the tu...