Abstract*A phenomenological theory of gravitation is proposed\ based on a pre!relativistic approach to electromagnetism[ The general relativistic\ purely geometric\ spacetime conception is criticized[ Space itself is assumed to have physical substance[ This substance\ the ether\ manifests by its permeability[ Gravitational _elds do not curve space\ but rather distort the ether\ and so a}ect its permeability[ The permeability determines the speed of light\ which is varying as in a dielectric medium[ The theory is only in certain limits Lorentz invariant^the concept of a uniformly moving observer is likewise only approximate\ and so is the principle of equivalence[ Nonlinear _eld equations for the scalar gravitational _eld as well as the per! meability tensor of the ether are constructed in a way to _t the classical experiments on gravitation[ Estimates on the variation of the speed of light in our solar system are given[ Þ 0887 Elsevier Science Ltd[ All rights reserved