Czochralski (CZ) silicon wafers are widely used in the semiconductor industry for integrated circuit fabrication. CZ silicon wafers contain interstitial oxygen atoms which are incorporated during crystal growth and are supersaturated during subsequent heat-treatments. Oxygen precipitation reactions readily occur and the precipitate growth at high temperature (>800ЊC) is normally accompanied by generation of extended defects, such as stacking faults and prismatic punched-out dislocation (POD) loops. 1,2 These oxide-related defects can be useful when they act as metallic impurity gettering sites during device processing; however, if they are located in the near-surface region, these defects may negatively impact device performance and yield.The nature and geometry of the prismatic POD loops have been reported. 2 To lie on {110} planes of the silicon crystal where they form by cross glide of a shear loop initially introduced on {111} planes. Taylor et al. 3 investigated the critical size of oxide precipitates for loop generation in lightly doped silicon. In Ref. 3, the strain around the precipitates was estimated by considering the supersaturation of silicon interstitials. However, the behavior of POD loop generation by oxide precipitates in heavily boron-doped wafers has not yet been fully examined. Since oxygen precipitation is enhanced in heavily boron-doped silicon, it is expected that the supersaturation level for silicon interstitials should also be larger in heavily borondoped silicon. Furthermore, Hahn et al. 19 reported that the occurrence of complex dislocation loops, even on the reduced-stress polyhedral precipitates, is related to a lower barrier for dislocation nucleation and higher dislocation mobility in heavily boron-doped silicon. On the other hand, Fukuda and Ohsawa 6 reported that as the boron concentration increased above 10 18 cm Ϫ3 , the mechanical strength of the crystal improved due to dislocation pinning by boron atoms. In this work, we have investigated the POD loop generation by oxide precipitates in heavily boron-doped wafers using detailed transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations to understand the mechanism of POD loop generation.
ExperimentalBoron-doped 200 mm diam, p-type, (100) CZ silicon wafers with resisitivities of 40, 18, and 9 m⍀ cm were used in this study. The initial oxygen concentrations of these wafers were 11.0-12.1 ϫ 10 17 atoms/cm 3 , as determined by the old ASTM standard. These wafers were subjected to a prolonged annealing in a N 2 ambient at 800, 900, and 1000ЊC for 4-64 h. After annealing, TEM samples were prepared by mechanical polishing followed by argon ion milling at an acceleration voltage of 4 kV. TEM observations were carried out in a 200 kV Topcon EM-002B system along the [001] direction of the silicon matrix. Oxide precipitate size, density, and the extent of PODs were measured. An elemental analysis was performed by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) using a Voyager analyzer system from Noran Instruments mounted on a JEOL JEM-2010. Figure ...