“…the impact of various L1 to L2 features. Similarly, the correspondence between L2 research findings and the CEFR is the major research objective of the SLATE network (Second Language Acquisition and Testing in Europe), within which many target languages have been investigated, such as Dutch (Kuiken, Vedder, and Gilabert 2010), Finnish (Alanen, Huhta, and Tarnanen 2010;Martin et al 2010), French (Forsberg and Bartning 2010;Prodeau, Lopez, and Véronique 2012), Italian (Kuiken, Vedder, and Gilabert 2010), Norwegian (Carlsen 2010) and Spanish (Kuiken, Vedder, and Gilabert 2010). These studies use learner corpora, which are analyzed with respect to grammatical features, pragmatic and textual characteristics.…”