The purpose of this paper is to reflect on "My Autoethnography" that I performed during writing dissertation for M.Phil. in Education at a university in Nepal. For this, I reflect on my experience of doing autoethnography with four turning points -a connection to mentors, a presentation of poetic narrative in a class, a proposal for this research, and the dissemination of "My Autoethnography". I present an evocative narrative of 'the parallels' connecting childhood experiences with blissful eternal dance. I analyse it from the perspective of methodological, relational and ethical lenses. I present some merits and caveats of autoethnography as a method of research based on my experience of using the approach. This also helped me to see not only to the past and present, but it also opened my eyes to envision the future in terms of learning and teaching mathematics. The other merit was access to my private world through the construction of thick and rich evocative narratives with a variety of textual expressions and a sense of mental emancipation. The major caveats of this approach were associated with the extent of focus in writing the narratives, vagueness with mystical expression and imaginative connections between the events of different time, an indulgence on personal stories making forceful connection with theories, self-disclosure of sensitive issues, and ethical issues related to the narratives about the others. I conclude the paper with a reflection and poetic reminiscent of 'My Autoethnography'.Keywords: Autoethnography, poetic narrative, mystical narrative, emancipation.Autoethnography (or auto/ethnography) is a form of qualitative research method that uses the researcher's personal experiences as foreground and social-cultural-political context as the background. This approach uses a researcher's personal experience to describe, analyse, interpret, and critique the beliefs, values, and actions acknowledging the self-other relationship through depth of reflective and reflexive evocative narratives of different genres (Adams, Jones, & Ellis, 2015). It is a form of self-study by writing narratives of different genres, for example, stories, poems, dialogues, drama, collage, etc., to name a few that focus on the vivid memories, feelings, thoughts, emotions, angers, griefs, excitements, anxieties, fears, and aha! This paper first exposes my 'self' to the readers with historical accounts of unfolding moments to construct "My Autoethnography". I present and discuss a vignette that that relates my childhood to my daughter's childhood play and relates the parallel to eternal dance of Shiva. I explore some merits and caveats of "My Autoethnography" followed by a brief reflection with poetic evocation.
My Early Mathematics: Natural MathematicsFor me, the charisma of early mathematics of pebbles and cows of clay models started since spring of 1975 with sprouting blossoms of apricot in front of my house at Karange Kot, Dang, Nepal when I was three years old. I wondere...