Let PN be a uniform random N × N permutation matrix and let χN(z) = det(zIN − PN) denote its characteristic polynomial. We prove a law of large numbers for the maximum modulus of χN on the unit circle, specifically, sup∣z∣=1∣χN()z∣=Nx0+o()1with probability tending to 1 as N → ∞, for a numerical constant x0 ≈ 0.652. The main idea of the proof is to uncover a logarithmic correlation structure for the distribution of (the logarithm of) χN, viewed as a random field on the circle, and to adapt a well‐known second‐moment argument for the maximum of the branching random walk. Unlike the well‐studied CUE field in which PN is replaced with a Haar unitary, the distribution of χN(e2πit) is sensitive to Diophantine properties of the point t. To deal with this we borrow tools from the Hardy‐Littlewood circle method. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC