Seed oils from four legume cultivars of Vicia faba, grown in Japan, were extracted and classified by thinlayer chromatography (TLC) into eight fractions. The major lipid components were triacylglycerols (TAG: 48.8-50.1%) and phospholipids (PL: 47.5-50.5%), while hydrocarbons (HC), steryl esters (SE), free fatty acids (FFA), diacylglycerols (1,3-and 1,2-DAG) and monoacylglycerols (MAG) were present in minor proportions (1.8-2.4%). All lipid samples had high amounts of total unsaturated FA, representing 79.7-82.8% and 77.6-79.7% for TAG and PL, respectively. Molecular species and FA distributions of TAG, isolated from the total lipids in the broad beans, were analyzed by a combination of argentation-TLC and GC. Fourteen different molecular species were detected. With a few exceptions, the main TAG components were S 2 D (6.1-8.9%), SD 2 (7.8-10.5%), SMT (6.3-8.5%), M 2 D (4.5-6.2%), MD 2 (18.9-21.8%), D 3 (21.0-23.9%) and MDT (8.1-10.2%) (where S, M, D, and T denote a saturated fatty acid, a monoene, a diene, and a triene, respectively). These results suggest that the lipid classes, FA distributions and TAG molecular species of broad beans are not dependent on the cultivation areas during the growing season.