The study of biomaterials as implants have rapidly increased over recent decades to address the issues of tissue and bone disease. The combination of graphene oxide (GO) with hydroxyapatite (HA) is expected to promote the adsorption of protein fibronectin (FN). GO was produced by Hummer's method. Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH) 2 at 0.1, 1.0 and 2.0 M) was used as a precursor of HA for the synthesis different GO compositions (0%, 0.1% and 1.0%) through wet chemical precipitation method. The molarity of Ca(OH) 2 and the composition of GO played an important role in the morphology, particle size, distribution of GO on HA surface and absorption of protein. GO and GO-HA composites were characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and field-emission scanning electron microscopy. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was used to investigate protein adsorption. The average percentage yield of GO-HA composite production was highest (96.93%) at 2.0 M of Ca(OH) 2 . The optimum condition of GO-HA composite was 0.1 M Ca(OH) 2 and 0.1% GO composition, which resulted in needle-like shape with 48.38 nm width and 201.0 nm length, well conjugation, as well as the higher distribution of GO onto the HA surface. The elemental composition of carbon (C) of GO-HA was 44% and that of uncoated HA was 33%, which confirmed the adsorption of FN. Moreover, carbon element mapping proved that the absorption of FN towards GO-HA was successful. GO-HA nanocomposite can be a promising highly biocompatible material for medical implants.
ABSTRAKKajian berkenaan biobahan sebagai implan telah berkembang dengan pesat sejak beberapa dekad kebelakangan ini bagi menangani isu-isu penyakit tisu dan tulang. Gabungan antara grafin oksida (GO) dan hidroksiapatit (HA) adalah dijangka dapat menggalakkan penjerapan protein fibronektin (FN). GO telah dihasilkan menerusi modifikasi daripada kaedah Hummer. Kemolaran kalsium hidroksida Ca(OH) 2 pada (0.1M, 1.0M dan 2.0M) digunakan sebagai larutan asas bagi HA untuk sintesis komposisi GO yang berbeza iaitu pada (0%, 0.1% dan 1.0%) melalui kaedah pemendakan kimia basah. Kemolaran Ca(OH) 2 dan komposisi GO adalah memainkan peranan penting dalam menentukan morfologi, saiz partikel, taburan GO terhadap permukaan HA dan penjerapan protein. GO dan komposit GO-HA dicirikan menggunakan Spektroskopi Inframerah Transformasi Fourier, Pembelauan Sinar-X, Mikroskop Electron Sekunder Bidang Emisi. Spektroskopi Serakan Tenaga Sinar-X pula digunakan untuk menganalisa penjerapan protein. Peratusan hasil tindak balas penghasilan komposit GO-HA adalah tertinggi (96.93%) pada molariti Ca(OH) 2 iaitu 2.0M. Kondisi optimum bagi komposit GO-HA adalah 0.1M Ca(OH) 2 dan 0.1% komposisi GO, yang mana menghasilkan GO-HA yang berbentuk seperti jarum dengan lebar 48.38 nm dan panjang saiz 201.0 nm, konjugasi yang baik dan bahkan menghasilkan taburan GO yang tinggi ke atas permukaan HA. Penjerapan FN dibuktikan oleh komposisi elemen karbon (C) bagi GO-HA iaitu 44% dan HA tanpa kehadiran GO adalah 33%. Tambahan pula, ...