Ecological plasticity and stability in productivity of seven varieties of winter soft wheat were studied in 2020-2021. As a result of the study it was found that on average for 2 years the most productive varieties were Grom, Surava and Biryuza with yields of 60.5, 48.5 and 46.5 dt/ha, respectively. Moisture and protein content in all the varieties studied were within the optimum limits. The environment index showed that growing conditions were worse in 2021 (Ij = -12.8) than in 2020 (Ij = 12.9). The varieties Grom, Biryuza and Krastal were the most plastic (bi - 1.3; 1.53; 1.41, respectively). These varieties should be cultivated according to intensive technology. The yields of these varieties on improved growing conditions are high. The value of the linear regression coefficient for the variety Povolzhskaya Niva is practically zero (bi = 0.01). This variety does not respond to changes in growing conditions. In varieties Skipetr, Doneko and Surava the linear regression coefficient approached 1. These varieties respond to improved growing conditions. The calculation of the ecological plasticity index showed that the varieties Grom, Surava and Biryuza are also ecologically plastic. The Povolzhskaya Niva and Doneco varieties were found to be the most stable. Their standard deviation (σd2) was 0.004. In the other varieties it was between 0.01 and 0.8. The most unstable variety was Krastal. The standard deviation (σd2) was 1.1.