“…Their sediment transport regime and hydrodynamics differ substantially from those of low gradient rivers. The channel geometry of the headwater channel is the result of various shaping factors owing to the strong hillslope-channel coupling, occurrence of vertically oscillating bedforms, usually coarse bed sediments, influence of additional roughness parameters (bedrock outcrops, large woods) and usually limited sediment supply [Whiting et al 1999, Gomi et al 2003, Hassan et al 2005, Comiti and Mao 2012. Despite these facts, the relationship between the bankfull width (W) and the watershed area (A) expressed by the following power law with c and d coefficients [Leopold and Maddock 1953] is often used even for small mountain channels [Brummer and Montgomery 2003, Golden and Springer 2006, Vianello and D'Agostino 2007, Wohl and Merritt 2008, Galia and Hradecký 2014:…”