Palavras-chave: MDMA, ecstasy, internet, questionário on-line, Redução de Danos, prevenção do abuso de drogas, drogas psicoativas, drogas sintéticas recreativas. Abstract ALMEIDA, S. P. de. On the use of ecstasy: a study aimed at formulating preventive intervention.One objective of this study was methodological investigating the feasibility of conducting a Web-based survey with ecstasy users. The method developed for participants recruitment and data collection attained the propose proving feasible and fruitful, as well as showing great advantages as compared to personal data collecting. The second objective was to provide subsidies for future Harm Reduction interventions on the use of ecstasy. Participants (N=1.140) were mostly youngsters, with high schooling levels, and currently employed or studying, of A and B social-economic classes, and polydrug users. The data were analyzed using chi-square or t tests and categorical regression (CatReg). The latter evaluated users' risk behaviors and related them to relevant independent variables. The results do not set the grounds for the drafting of specially-oriented preventive materials, be it for genders, sexual orientation, or even social-economic classes. They do, however, indicate privileged places for the distribution of preventive materials: evening entertainment places, parties and events related to electronic music, events such as community Parades, and universities. The main contents to be conveyed are discussed, always keeping the communication of scientifically proven information as the basic principle. The data also show that there is increasing availability of ecstasy in Brazil, thus pointing to the urgent need of implementing a first Brazilian ecstasy preventive program. The buy-in and the interested statements from participants demonstrate that the project inspired reliability, that there is a demand for interventions in the area and that a Harm Reduction proposal would be highly accepted amongst ecstasy users, although its implementation depends on the interest of authorities responsible for the Brazilian public policy towards illegal drugs.