SUMMARY. The measurement of serum inorganic phosphorus by direct acidl molybdate assay is known to be subject to interference by some serum paraproteins. Serum samples from 45 paraproteinaemic patients were used for the measurement of inorganic phosphorus using a manufacturer's kit reagent and a detergent-modified reagent from the same manufacturer. In addition, the same samples were analysed with both reagents following precipitation of serum protein with trichloroacetic acid. Using the original reagent pseudohyperphosphataemia was found in 27ftJo (12/45) of the samples. The modified reagent was free from interference with no significant difference between results from serum and protein-free supernatants.
Additional key phrases: acid molybdate inorganic phosphorusPseudohyperphosphataemia has been reported previously in patients with paraproteins. Some studies have shown that interference is due to turbidity caused by precipitation of the paraprotein by the acid reagent used in both visible and ultra-violet spectrophotometric methods.l:'! Other workers have identified the presence of a phosphate binding immunoglobulin.P:"! The Boehringer Mannheim (BM UK Ltd, Sussex, UK) method for inorganic phosphorus (Product No. 1040898) is known to be subject to interference in some patients with paraproteins." The manufacturer's claim that interference has been reduced significantly by a recent change in reagent composition.We have compared the performance of the two reagent kits in samples from 45 patients with paraproteinaemia using whole serum and proteinfree supernatants of the same serum.
MATERIALS AND METHODSBlood samples from 45 patients in whom paraproteins had previously been identified by electrophoresis and typing by immunofixation were obtained for diagnosis or treatment monitoring.Correspondence: D J Savory.
498The study included samples with IgG (n = 36, range 8-80 giL), IgA (n = 5, range 11-28 giL) and IgM (n = 4, range 10-33 giL) paraproteins. Aliquots of serum were stored at -20°C prior to analysis.Serum inorganic phosphorus was measured on an Hitachi 717 using two kits (BM Cat No. 1040898) of different lot numbers. Kit X (Lot No. 645386) was the original formulation, and Kit Y (Lot No. 650415) contained the modified reagent. Serum was diluted with sulphuric acid and the blank absorbance measured at 340 nm and 376 nm. On addition of ammonium molybdate, inorganic phosphorus is converted to ammonium phosphomolybdate which is measured at 340 and 376 nm. The final concentrations were: molybdate 1·0 mmol/L, sulphuric acid 0·35 mol/L, sodium chloride 44 mmol/L and detergent. Kits X and Y differed in detergent composition, the details of which have not been disclosed by the manufacturers.The same serum samples were analysed using both reagents after precipitation of protein using equal volumes of serum and 0·61 mol/L trichloracetic acid, the method currently in use in this laboratory when hyperphosphataemia is found in patients with paraproteins. The supernatant was analysed directly following centrifugation.Inorg...