Sec ond ary ha lite de pos its in the Wieliczka Salt Mine are rep re sented by var i ous forms of speleothems. Some of them, e.g. sta lac tites, cau li flow ers or crusts, re veal var i ous hues, yel low to red to brown. These hues are re lated to iron com pounds, but the forms, oc cur rence and com po si tion of these com pounds has not pre vi ously been stud ied. To ex plain the or i gin of their colours a de tailed study of sam ples col lected in the mine, in clud ing brines and wa ter sol u ble ex tracts and pro duced ex per imen tally in the lab o ra tory, has been un der taken us ing SEM, XRD and AAS. The colour ful speleothems are com pared, us ing SEM-EDS, with the forms and com po si tion of rust ing metal artefacts, where sev eral iron ox ide min er als have been iden ti fied. We sug gest that col oured ha lite is gen er ally pure ha lite of which the sur face was cov ered by a fer ric min er als sus pen sion in the brine. Colours of the speleothems stem from the var i ous colours of iron min er als whereas their in ten sity is re lated prob ably to the type of fluid that coated the crys tals, a con tin u ous film or finely dis persed mi cron-size min eral ag gre gates.