The dynamic response of unfrustrated two-dimensional Josephson junction arrays close to, but above the Kosterlitz-Thouless(KT ) transition temperature is described in terms of the vortex dielectric function ǫ(ω). The latter is calculated by considering separately the contribution of ≪free≫ vortices interacting by a screened Coulomb potential, and the ≪pair motion≫ of vortices that are closer to each other than the KT correlation length. This procedure allows to understand various anomalous features in ǫ(ω) and in the flux noise spectra that have been observed experimentally and in dynamic simulations. The dynamics of JJAs is less well understood. For the equations of motion for the superconducting phases the ≪resistively shunted junction model≫ (RSJ) can be used for arrays in which electrostatic charging effects may be neglected. Based on this model an equation of motion for the vortex excitations can be derived [3], describing them as massless point particles, subject to a friction force coming from normal current losses and interacting via the 2d Coulomb interaction, varying essentially with the logarithm of their distance. The dynamics of such a system is usually treated by considering separately the motion of bound pairs and of free particles. The simplest picture for free motion is given by the Drude form of the dynamic dielectric function ǫ(ω), expressed in terms of the friction constant. Minnhagen [4] has developed a more sophisticated expression for ǫ(ω) by assuming that this quantity can be derived from the static wave number dependent dielectric function, taken to have a Debye screening form, by replacing the wave number by frequency. The result -usually referred to as ≪Minnhagen phenomenology≫ (M P ) -differs in an essential way from Drude's (D) behaviour. In particular Re(1/ǫ D (ω)) ∝ ω 2 , whereas Re(1/ǫ MP (ω)) ∝ |ω|, and the so-called ≪peak-ratio≫ r, given by (1) where ω max is the frequency at which Im(1/ǫ) has its maximum, is r D = 1, whereas r MP = 2/π is smaller.The dynamics below T BKT is usually treated by averaging the dynamic response of a pair of separation d over a probability distribution for d [5,6].Three main types of experiments aim at elucidating dynamical properties of JJAs. The exponent of the non-linear current-voltage characteristics is related to the dynamic critical exponent describing the critical slowing down of the 2d CG near the BKT transition (see [1]). The dynamic conductance G(ω) of the array can be inferred from measuring the dynamic response of the array to a time dependent current in a two-coil experiment [1,2,7]. Measurements on frustrated arrays [8] have produced results that are closer to the M P prediction than to the simple Drude form, in particular as far as the above-mentioned peak-ratio and the frequency dependence of 1/ǫ(ω) are concerned: Re(1/ǫ(ω)) ∝ |ω| over a sizable range of frequencies, which is a signature of anomalous M P dynamics. Similar results have been obtained by analytical calculations [6,9,10].Measuring the temporal fluctuations of the magneti...