FRCPCPurpose: Treatment with H 2 receptor antagonists may cause the heart to be more susceptible to atrioventricular conduction delay when exposed to an overwhelming insult by histamine released during an anaphylactic reaction. We present the case of a woman, pretreated with ranitidine, who developed 3:1 heart block secondary to latex anaphylaxis. We propose that H 2 antagonist premedication alone in patients susceptible to anaphylaxis increases their risk of heart block. Clinical Features: A 38 yr old obese woman with cervical cancer presented for a radical hysterectomy. Systems review yielded a history of sleep apnea, orthopnea, gastroesophageal reflux, and sciatica. Medications included preoperative ranitidine, 150 mg. There was no history of atopy or allergy. Following general anesthesia induction, at the onset of the surgical procedure the patient developed a severe anaphylactic reaction which was heralded by the onset of 3:1 heart block, with decreases in SpO 2, PETCO2 and a decrease in systolic blood pressure to 45 mmHg. This was diagnosed as a possible latex reaction and treated using epinephrine boluses and infusion, fluids, 50 mg diphenhydramine, 50 mg ranitidine and I00 mg hydrocortisone. Following a 48 hr stay in the ICU the patient made an uneventful recovery. Allergy testing with intradermal latex injection and increased plasma tryptase levels confirmed a latex anaphylaxis. Conclusion: The use of H 2 antagonists alone as a prophylaxis for gastroesophageal reflux may increase the risk of heart block in patients who develop anaphylaxis.Objectif: Un traitement aux antagonistes des r&epteurs d'H 2 peut entraTner une plus grande susceptibilitE du coeur au retard de conduction atrioventriculaire lorsqu'expos~ ~ une importante agression par la liberation d'histamine pendant une reaction anaphylactique. Voici le cas d'une femme, prEtraitfie avec de la ranitidine, qui a dEveloppE un bloc cardiaque 3:1 secondaire ~ ranaphylaxie au latex. Nous croyons que, chez les patients susceptibles d'anaphylaxie, la seule pr~mEdication aux antagonistes de rH 2 augmente le risque de bloc cardiaque. ~l(;mcnts cfiniques : Une femme de 38 ans, obese, atteinte d'un cancer du col de l'ut&us, s'est pr&ent~e pour une hyst&ectomie radicale. Lanamn&e a r~v~l~ : apnEe du sommeil, orthopn6e, reflux gastro-oesophagien, sciatalgie, mais pas d'ant&~dents d'atopie ou d'allergie. La medication comprenait 150 mg de ranitidine prEop&a-toire. Apr~s l'induction de l'anesth&ie gEn&ale, au d~but de l'intervention, la patiente a dEvelopp~ une r~action anaphylactique sEvEre annoncEe par la survenue d'un bloc cardiaque 3