To develop cocrytsal of telmisartan for enhancing its solubility in water.
Intermolecular interaction happens in crystal packing; it utilizes and helps us to understand the design of new
solid with their respective chemical and physical properties called that crystal engineering. It is a blueprint of molecular solids with specific chemical and physical properties through an understanding and handling of intermolecular interaction for
increasing solubility if poor water-soluble drugs.
The study was taken under consideration with an aim to generate and synthesize a cocrystal form of telmisartan
(TEL) with L-lysine to improve its water solubility, dissolution, and micrometric properties.
A dry grinding technique, solvent evaporation & cooling crystallization, the results revealed a generation of cocrystals with enhanced solubility by liquid drop grinding method. Hence, this process was further explored to investigate
various formulation and process parameters that could significantly affect the crystal solubility, dissolution, and micrometric
The solubility of TEL cocrystals was enhanced by L-lysine. Further, the optimized batch was subjected to its micrometric evaluation & physiochemical characterization like FT-IR, NMR, PXRD. The result of the micrometric evaluation
showed better results as compared to standards. The dissolution studies also showed a better dissolution rate for TEL cocrystal tablets than TEL tablets formulation.
Cocrystals of TEL with L-lysine showed better solubility and dissolution rate.