Although dominant-negative mutations of TRESK background K + channel have been reported in migraine patients, whether TRESK activity controls the generation of trigeminal pain, especially headache, is not established. We found that loss of TRESK in all trigeminal ganglia (TG) neurons preferentially increased the intrinsic excitability of small-diameter TG nociceptors that express neuropeptide CGRP or TRPM8 channels. Surprisingly, loss of TRESK increased the number of TG neurons expressing TRPV1 channels. In dorsal root ganglia neurons, neither the persistent outward current nor the intrinsic excitability was affected by the loss of TRESK.Compared with wild-type controls, TRESK knockout mice exhibited more robust trigeminal pain, especially headache-like behaviors; but displayed normal body and visceral pain responses.Our findings indicate that endogenous TRESK activity is required for trigeminal pain regulation.A substantial reduction of TRESK activity may selectively affect the functions of TG nociceptors, thereby increasing the susceptibility to migraine headache in humans.1 1 current is fully compensated in DRG neurons. Consequently, in either small IB4 − or small IB4 + DRG subpopulation, WT and KO neurons exhibit similar R in , rheobase, spike frequency as well as other passive and active electrophysiological properties (Figures 5C-F, Table 2). Our findings are inconsistent with a previous study reporting a reduction of total persistent outward currents and AP rheobase in DRG neurons from mice expressing non-functional TRESK channels (Dobler et al., 2007). More work is needed to resolve the discrepancy. It is possible that results differ based on the duration of time neurons are maintained in vitro after dissociation. Here, we recorded DRG neurons between 2-4 days in vitro (DIV), whereas in earlier work neurons were recorded between 11-14 DIV. It has been reported that WT DRG neurons cultured for 5 DIV exhibited altered K + channel expression and excitability (Dawes et al., 2018;Martinez-Espinosa et al., 2015).Taken together, we conclude that ubiquitous loss of TRESK in all TG and DRG neurons preferentially increases the intrinsic excitability of small IB4 − TG nociceptors that express CGRP and/or TRPM8, suggesting that the contribution of endogenous TRESK channel to PAN excitability is cell-type specific and is not determined by its expression pattern.
Loss of TRESK selectively increases the number of capsaicin-responsive (Cap + ) neurons inthe IB4 − TG subpopulation.Here, we investigated whether loss of TRESK affect the responses of TG neurons to noxious stimuli, for example, exposure to capsaicin that selectively activates TRPV1 channels. We applied capsaicin (100 nM) to small-diameter TG neurons in culture and recorded their responses under current-clamp. In TG culture from adult WT mice, capsaicin elicited depolarization in 9 of Acosta, C., Djouhri, L., Watkins, R., Berry, C., Bromage, K., & Lawson, S. N. (2014). TREK2 expressed selectively in IB4-binding C-fiber nociceptors hyperpolarizes their membr...